Fundraising that yielded $200,000 for the creation of a scholarship fund returned approximately 50 children to their high-quality childcare programs for one year. Watch the video Our Community’s Early Childhood Development Initiative.Ībrupt funding cuts for child care subsidies in 2008 prompted a swift response by Rochester’s Child and the early childhood community. Our partners included 292-BABY at Monroe Community College, Causewave Community Partners (formerly the Ad Council), and the Early Childhood Development Initiative. Rochester’s Child provided significant leadership in the development of the campaign and raised $200,000 for the effort. The highly visible “Sing, Talk, Play” ad campaign encouraged parents to actively stimulate their baby’s brain development, resulting in a significant number of parents who changed their behavior and sought additional help with their parenting. Rochester’s Child has a legacy of working with community partners, government officials, and early educators to develop policies and practices that result in better outcomes for Rochester’s most vulnerable children. Leading Improvements in Early Care and Education

Finally, one of the most important predictors of success for at-risk children entering school is having attended quality early education programs. Research shows that investments in high quality early childhood education saves in later costs for grade retention, special education, and teen pregnancy services. High quality early childhood programs can change the trajectory of a child’s life, especially for children challenged by poverty. The learning and skills a child develops through age 8 are the foundation for their success throughout their education. Neurological research shows that brain development occurs rapidly beginning at birth and continues through age 3. Rochester’s Child fundraises and advocates for high-quality early care and education because science and economics point to the importance of quality care. Watch the video “30 years Advocating for Early Childhood,” featuring the late Jacque Cady. Today, 2800 City of Rochester students attend high-quality pre-kindergarten programs. A group of dedicated business representatives, community leaders, and passionate philanthropists has raised more than $4.8 million and awarded 450 grants for quality improvements so that children can have a healthy start in school and in life. Since 1990, Rochester’s Child has forged public-private partnerships and driven changes in policy and practice to improve early childhood and development for children birth to age 8. Through fundraising, making grants, and partnering with experts in the field, Rochester’s Child promotes the very best early care and education for Monroe County’s most vulnerable children.