My client’s hosting handles the same way the database names. If my domain name was, then my databases would be something like mynewdom_database1. I work on a shared hosting service provider that asigns the database schemas’s name (MySQL DATABASE) tied to the hosting name. Finally I ended up with something odd, for what I have to elaborate about my query: Since I had no useful debugging information (as the error was at saving time, I wasn’t even able to build the app nor to execute it), I tried to simplify my query and “complex” it step by step. I practically don’t know a thing about PDO implementation and behaviour on PHP, but if the query works, how Scriptcase handles the queries? Didn’t it only take the result of the PDO execution of the SQL on the server? Why is Scriptcase crashing with a working query, even when it supports the UNION structure? I tested my query and it works, but when I use it to create a Grid app, scriptcase crashes even the saving process (a pop up shows up and It looses any field in the app) INNER JOIN myOtherTable AS T2 ON T1.col1 = T2.col1ĪFAIK, the first statement returns only 3 columns, as well as the second one. I want to create a grid with a MySQL UNION sentence of two SELECT statements, but one of them has some INNER JOIN statements and explicitly retrieves the same type and amount of columns something like this: (SELECT

I have a running grid with a MySQL sentence that unites a single constant row with a regular select statement somehitng like this: (SELECT